Little Kids...Big Potential
Little Kids...Big Potential is an outstanding display of first graders blogging, making videos, wikis, and using all sorts of technology in Ms. Cassidy's class. The kids even used a Nintendo DS in the classroom to help with sharing and vocabulary. I have never thought about using a Nintendo in the classroom! These first graders were beyond excited about writing on their blogs and wikis. They were even more excited about the comments they have received! It is exciting to be a future elementary teacher and see that these first graders are so advanced in technology. I would love to use some of these techniques in the classroom. It will definitely be a challenge for me to implement these changes in a new classroom, but I am ready for the challenge. Ms. Cassidy started using technology in the classroom almost ten years ago. Technology was not something that was commonly used in the classroom then, but yet she found a way to make it work. Now there are so many resources available to use in the classroom it is hard to find which ones to not use! This video shows me that I will be able to use technology in my elementary classroom, and that there are so many options for me to use.
As you know, I am an enthusiastic fan of blogging. I hope you will be a blogging teacher!